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    Phum Viphurit 結果共4筆

  • Rhydian Vaughan kicks off winter tour with unplugged shows

    Taiwanese-Welsh actor and singer Rhydian Vaughan began his winter tour on January 19 to promote his first album, "Seven." The tour features Unplugged-style performances where Rhydian shares his songs and the stories behind them. During the tour, Rhydian is excited to perform two special songs, "Windmill" by Taiwanese rock icon Wu Bai and the English track "Soaking in Divine," which he dedicated to his wife. Rhydian revealed that he will be joined by "Thai prince" Phum Viphurit for a duet. Viphurit’s song "Lover Boy" has gained nearly 100 million views on YouTube, and he also performed at the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony last year. Rhydian expressed his delight in collaborating with Viphurit, praising his tall and handsome appearance and their harmonious singing. Rhydian emphasized the intimate connection with fans as the most memorable aspect of the winter tour, sharing his creative story up close. He also announced an upcoming solo concert titled "After the Show," which will be held at Legacy Taipei on March 9, the eve of his 36th birthday.
    2024/01/26 12:49
  • 鳳小岳告白愛妻!無預警宣布「有喜」:不為人知的事

    鳳小岳演而優則歌,上週啟動「港口打開」冬季巡演,透過Unplugged 沈浸式演出,與粉絲近距離分享個人首張專輯《柒》的歌曲與創作故事,除了主打歌〈風車〉特別邀請「搖滾天王」伍佰作詞的英文歌〈Soaking in Divine〉,鳳小岳也將這首歌獻給他的愛妻。
    2024/01/25 17:57
  • 金曲34表演嘉賓曝光 King Gnu唱紅《咒術迴戰》主題曲首登台

    第34屆金曲獎頒獎典禮將於7月1日在台北小巨蛋登場,今(23)日主辦單位揭曉表演嘉賓,特地邀請日本人氣搖滾樂團「King Gnu」及泰國小王子「Phum Viphurit」與會。King Gnu成軍後人氣爆棚,這次挾帶超強氣勢來台,4位團員謙虛表示:「很開心可以受邀參加這次金曲獎的演出,謝謝主辦方的邀請,非常期待在台灣的表演!」
    2023/06/23 15:09
  • 韓國樂團ADOY三度來台! 7月開唱「2組超狂嘉賓」太驚喜

    韓國樂團「ADOY」26日宣布即將在7月2日來台舉辦演唱會,此行是他們第3度來台,沒想到今(2023)年活動將邀請泰國小王子Phum Viphurit、菲律賓樂團Flu擔任演出嘉賓,超狂陣容一出讓樂迷超期待,「已經準備好搶票了」、「這個陣容太誇張!」
    2023/05/26 18:56
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